1. Ray Juska, CHAIR (2023 - 2025) - representing City of Brooks
2. Tom Grant, Executive / PAST CHAIR (2023 - 2025) - representing Town of Vulcan
3. Kim Craig, Executive (2023 - 2025)- Member at Large representing Town of Coaldale
4. Karen Marra, Director (2022 - 2024) - representing Town of Canmore
5. Neil Johnson, Executive (2023 - 2025) representing Newell County
6. Paul Ryan, Executive (Vice Chair) (2022 - 2024) - Member at Large representing MD of Bighorn
7. Mark Blair, Director (2022 - 2024) - representing Special Areas
8. Jodie Gateman, Director (2022 - 2024) - representing Vulcan County
9. Scott Klassen, Executive (2022 - 2024) - representing Wheatland County
10. Klaas Vanderveen, Director (2022 - 2024) - representing Lethbridge County
11. Henry deKok, Director (2023 - 2025) - representing Town of Picture Butte
12. John DeGroot, Director (2022 - 2024) - representing MD Taber
13. Hugh Pettigrew, Executive (2023 - 2025) representing Town of Banff
14. Kelly Christman, Director (2022 - 2024) representing Newell County