The Southern Alberta Energy From Waste Association (SAEWA)

The Southern Alberta Energy From Waste Association (SAEWA) is a non-profit coalition of municipal entities and waste management jurisdictions in southern Alberta committed to the research and implementation of ENERGY RECOVERY from non-recyclable waste materials that will REDUCE long term reliance on landfills. Established in 2009, SAEWA is seeking to foster sustainable waste management practices that contribute to our society’s overall resource efficiency and environmental responsibility. SAEWA is in the final planning stages to develop an Energy-from-Waste Facility that will handle the conversion of municipal and other sources of solid waste into energy.

From the blog

Sep 22

SAEWA AGM 2023 - Vulcan

Upcoming events

Mar 28

SAEWA Board Meeting

, 12:00 am

Apr 25

SAEWA Board Meeting

, 12:00 am

Energy-from-Waste (EfW or waste-to-energy) facilities offer a safe, technologically advanced means of waste disposal while also generating clean, renewable energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting recycling through the recovery of metals. According to a 2012 whitepaper released by Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA), energy-from-waste facilities "are economically sound investments that provide multiple financial and environmental benefits to the communities that utilize them."